Strategic Market Entry Services At Full Speed
Our Mission
providing simple solutions to make market entry possible.
Japan boasts one of the world's largest technology utilization markets and ranks as the third-largest global economy, rendering it an enticing destination for international enterprises seeking to broaden their horizons.
Nonetheless, numerous international companies, from start-ups to large enterprises, encounter challenging obstacles when attempting to establish a successful presence in Japan.
If only the process of launching your brand in this market were more streamlined...
Enter SxS Partners, dedicated to empowering and assisting variety of enterprises aiming to venture into Japan.
Our team of seasoned experts are positioned to assist you in identifying optimal solutions to overcome any challenges that may arise.

committed to the success of our clients
What We Deliver
Tried and tested bi-lingual team with strong proactive management, communication and negotiation skills
Experience in working accurately with regular reporting and a solution oriented attitude
Fluent English with full understanding of Western and Japanese business cultures
Extensive relevant experience gained through career and implemented projects
Transparency, flexibility, cost effectiveness and control
A network of proven and trusted service providers
Experience and knowledge of leading market channel partners
Insights on doing business in Japan gained from over 3 decades of experience
Stable growth of local knowledge and business network in Japan.
About SxS Partners
In 2018, Charles Stewart took the reigns of the ECO-INTER K.K. business and revamped the operations into a services focused business. Mr. Stewart revamped the business throughout 2019 to provide market-entry services to international businesses requiring support to build out their operations and pipeline within the market of Japan.
For more than 34 years, the recurring theme of Mr. Stewart's business activities has been as bridge function between Japan and global operations focused on bringing product and technology solutions to the Japan market. Owners and top-leaders of international companies, that do business in Japan, have used Mr. Stewart as their trusted advisor and benefited from his extensive knowledge and network.
As we reached our 5th decade of operations in the Japan market, Mr. Stewart has rebranded ECO-INTER K.K. to
SxS Partners K.K. to focus on growth in the next decade.
Our business is focused on supporting software and hardware solutions providers around the globe with a
First Wave approach to entering the Japan market.

The Foundation
small business roots
In 1973, a small business founder and avid inventor established his second company,
ECO-INTER K.K. and began a journey to provide media content production services, equipment, and electronic testing equipment throughout Kanagawa prefecture and South East Asia markets.
In 1985, the founder eventually return to leadership of his first company and developed one of the regions largest industrial electric installation and technology product sales businesses.